If U Care Share

Emotional Well-Being

If U Care Share


twitter icon @IFUCARESHARE


Target Group Range:


Learning Objectives:

  • To raise awareness of emotional well-being and language.

  • To discuss suicide prevention (age appropriate) and support networks.


Delivery Type:


About This Programme:

Based: Durham

Established in 2009, the charity, run by the Smith family along with its dedicated team, draws upon their own personal experiences to encourage people to ‘open up’ and ‘share’ concerns. If U Care Share has worked with LFE since the 2010/11 season to provide powerful emotional well-being sessions for young players – the message is simple but effective, ‘there is always a way’.

Paul Stewart

Safeguarding Awareness

Paul Stewart


twitter icon @@PStewy103


Target Group Range:


Learning Objectives:

  • To recognise the importance of safeguarding in academy football and how it links to performance

  • To learn how to support yourself and who is available to support you


Delivery Type:


About This Programme:

Based: Blackpool

Paul Stewart is a former Premier League footballer who played for Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool, as well as representing England at international level. In 2016, Paul waived his anonymity and spoke out about the physical and sexual abuse he endured at the hands of a youth coach as a 10 year-old growing up in Manchester. Paul is part of LFE’s programme to raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding. He has worked with The FA, The SFA and across professional and grassroots clubs to deliver his message and experiences. He provides powerful learning through an insight into safeguarding from a survivor’s perspective.

Unavailable Dates:
Any Monday or Friday
25th September to 23rd October